Italy TravelThe Italy Mix: New Perfume Museum, Driving in Italy

The Italy Mix: New Perfume Museum, Driving in Italy
Published on Sunday, September 29, 2013 by

rome-castelThe Italy Mix is a post about the most interesting Italy and Italy travel news and human interest stories around the Web each week. Here are our top picks for this week:

Rome – Most Popular City in Italy: reports that Rome beat out other Italian cities for most-visited title. (ANSA)

10 Beautiful Places to Visit in Italy: It is hard to pick the most beautiful places in Italy but this blogger includes Venice, Verona and Rome.  (Global Grasshopper)

Driving Culture in Italy:  How to navigate l’aperitivo time in Italy.  (Italian Notes)

New Perfume Museum:  Venice’s Palazzo Mocenigo will be home to Italy’s latest perfume museum.  (The New York Times)

Ready to travel to Italy? Perillo Tours has been leading group trips throughout Italy since 1945 and can custom design an independent itinerary for your dream Italy vacation!

Taking your first trip to Italy soon? Learn everything you need to know when you get your FREE copy of The First Timer’s Guide to Italy by contributor Kathy McCabe

Photo by tejvan,

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