Boy Fulfills Italy Travel Dream of Many – Runs Away to Rome - Italy Travel

Italy TravelBoy Fulfills Italy Travel Dream of Many – Runs Away to Rome

Boy Fulfills Italy Travel Dream of Many – Runs Away to Rome
Published on Thursday, July 26, 2012 by

Admit it, you have to give the kid some credit. If you’re going to run away from home and want to go really make a splash, you can’t beat a trip to Rome. Especially when he didn’t even have to shell out for plane tickets to Italy or show his passport! 11-year-old Liam Corcoran ran away from home and  flew to Rome on his own from Manchester (U.K.) Airport without a passport or boarding pass.

When passengers on the Jet2 flight realized the situation, they alerted the cabin crew staff. Liam remained on the plane after it landed at Rome’s Fiumincino Airport and was flown back to Manchester the same day. The poor kid didn’t even get to tour Rome. So far, there is no word on whether Liam had ever seen the movie Home Alone 2 which had a strikingly similar plot.

Seriously though, a child being able to get on a plane without any checks is pretty scary in this day and age. We’re glad Liam is fine and that authorities are investigating this major security breach. See the video below for more…

By Kathy McCabe

Ready to travel to Italy? Perillo Tours has been leading group trips throughout Italy since 1945 and can custom design an independent itinerary for your dream Italy vacation!

Taking your first trip to Italy in 2012? Learn everything you need to know when you get your FREE copy of The First Timer’s Guide to Italy by contributor Kathy McCabe.

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