Tips for Visiting Rome with Kids - Italy Travel

Italy TravelTips for Visiting Rome with Kids

Tips for Visiting Rome with Kids
Published on Saturday, March 3, 2012 by

Not just for adults, Italy is place that is filled with entertainment and activities for kids too. You will have loads of fun when you travel to Italy with kids. You will not only be taking them on an adventure to a new country, but will also be providing them with opportunities to learn about Italy’s art, architecture and culture.

Taking your kid on a vacation is not an easy job unless you understand their expectations. Even kids with no interest in art and architecture will start liking the Italian culture if you make it fun.

Rome is one of the top places in Italy that attract kids. Places like the Pincio Gardens and the Borghese Gardens give enough space for your kids to play around. They can romp in the grass, while you relax in a scenic place. Villa Borghese is a huge park which every kid would want to go. It is filled with activities like play grounds, bikes, pony rides and a pond with paddleboats that you can rent. Also Cinema dei Piccoli hosts cartoons and fun fairs for your active kids.

Make your kids climb up to the top of St. Peter’s at the Vatican and watch the awe of your children just looking at this enormous church. Also, tour the Vatican Museums where your family will enjoy masterpieces of painting, sculpture and other works of art. Your kids will be interested to see scientific research laboratory along with the paintings, bronzes, marble, tapestries and other items in this museum.

Bocca della Verità, also known as the Mouth of Truth will definitely amuse your kids. Ask them to stick their hand in the mouth of the gaping stone face on the wall. There are many interesting stories behind this Bocca della Verità which will captivate your child. Italy travel tours have many places that are not meant only for kids, but also for parents who accompany their kids.

Rome, being in the top position in Italy tourist attractions, is filled with many more tourist places that will definitely keep your kids occupied throughout their trip. Making use of the Italy travel tips from will definitely come in handy.

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