Don’t let the fact that you don’t speak Italian intimidate you. Most of the Italians you will meet, especially in the cities, will speak at least a few words of English and many speak the language fairly fluently. Those working in tourism depend on English-speaking visitors for their livelihoods and thus try to speak English.
It’s a good idea to try to learn a few words of Italian before your trip because Italians are absolutely thrilled when foreigners make an effort to speak their language. Remember that as a rule, every letter in an Italian word is pronounced. Though in some dialects of the language, you’ll hear words shortened.
Here are a few basic words to get you started:
Hello Ciao (chow)
Please Per favore (pear fa-vo ray)
Thank you Grazie (grah-tsee-ay)
You’re welcome Prego (pray-go)
Excuse me Scusi (skoo-zee)
Sorry Mi dispiace (mee dis-spee-oh-chay)
Good day Buon giorno (bwohn-jor-no)
Good bye Arrividerci (a-ree-vah-dore-chee)
Nice to meet you Piacere (pee-ah-chair-ray)
How are you? Come sta? (ko-may stah)
Very good Bene (ben-ay)
Do you speak English? Parla Inglese? (par-la een-glay-zay)
I don’t speak Italian Non parlo Italiano (non par-lo ee-tal-yah-no)
I don’t understand Non capisco (non ka-peess-ko)
My name is… Mi chiamo… (mee kee-ah-mo)
How much is it? Quanto costa? (kwahn-toe coast-a)
Where is…? Dov’e (doe-veh)
Where is the bathroom? Dov’e il bagno? (doe-veh eel bahn-yo)
By Kathy McCabe